August 2021
Dear Members: We hope you all are having a good time in this summer. Please protect yourselves and your families from the corona virus,...

July 2021
Dear Members: I hope all of our members have stayed well and safe during the pandemic. Our new fiscal year started on July 1st and our...

June 2021
Dear Members: Well our fiscal year is now ending and this is my last newsletter as President of the Chapter. I am thankful and honored to...

May 2021
Dear Members: It appears that California is on the way to open next month. We hope all of our members are doing well and we look forward...

April 2021
Dear Members, It’s hard to believe that a quarter of the year has already passed. As May approaches, we anticipate an abundance of...

March 2021
Read the March 2021 Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter Newsletter. Consider becoming a Board member and more.

February 2021
Presidents Message We’re two-thirds of the way to Spring and it looks promising that COVID-19 vaccinations are on the rise. We hope that...