June 2023 Newsletter
Recap of May Sogetsu Workshop - At the final meeting on June 18, 2023, watch an Ikenobo demo and celebrate the IILA leadership change.

June Meeting & Demonstration
Attend the final chapter meeting for the 2022 - 2023 season. This is a members-only event. Ikenobo LA branch members will give a demo.

May 2023 Newsletter
Read the April Ikenobo Workshop recap, learn about the Sogetsu Workshop on Sunday, May 21, 2023, see a sketch from the Katen, and more.

May 2023 - Sogetsu SFV Ikebana Workshop
Sunday, May 21, 2023, at 11:00 am, at attend a workshop facilitated by the Sogetsu School of San Fernando Valley Branch: Cindy Utsinger.

April Newsletter
Read the Katen recap, attend the Ikenobo Workshop on Sunday, April 16, 2023, and get the voting results for the next Chapter President.

Sunday, April 16, 2023 - Ikenobo Ikebana Workshop
Read a full recap and see photos of the Ikenobo SGV workshop here >> Dear Ikebana International Los Angeles, Chapter No. 4 Members and...

March 2023 Newsletter
It’s time to nominate the next Chapter President, read about a Valentine's Day event, get additional Katen details and more…

Katen - Annual Ikebana Exhibition
Saturday, March 18, 2023 and Sunday, March19, 2023 The 65th Annual Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter #4 Katen Spring Flower...

February 2023 Newsletter
Enjoy a recap of the New Year's Luncheon and 65th Anniversary Celebration. Get details on this months Workshop and our Annual Spring Katen.

February 2023 - Ohara Ikebana Workshop
On Sunday, February 19th at 11:00 am, attend a workshop by Ohara School, Los Angeles and facilitated by Mayumi Onami Sensei.