Dear Members:
At last we were able to re-start our monthly in-person meetings this month – and we had a very successful one at the Arboretum, in spite of having to adhere to Covid protocols. The meeting was attended by 37 members and guests, and I am so glad to have been able to meet all of them.
It seemed like everyone enjoyed the demonstrations by Ikenobo L.A.(Izumi Minamitani), Ikenobo S.G.V .(Yumei Lu and Jennifer Ko), Sangetsu (Valeria Brinkers and Leonard Brinkers), and Sogetsu S.F.V.(Lisa Cosand and Hetty Shurtleff). All of the demonstrations were very nice and organized. Thank you to all of the demonstrators.
Please enjoy the pictures of their arrangements:
Izumi Minamitani - Ikenobo L.A.
Yumei Lu and Jennifer Ko - Ikenobo S.G.V .
Valeria Brinkers and Leonard Brinkers - Sangetsu
Lisa Cosand and Hetty Shurtleff - Sogetsu S.F.V.
August 2021 Correction
We apologize for the error in our August newsletter. Our two Ikenobo demonstrators, Mei Ling Tang and Yumei Lu are affiliated with Ikenobo San Gabriel Valley Chapter.
Membership Cards

We distributed I. I. membership cards and badge holders to all members who attended the meeting. Please remember that you have to wear your badge when you come to the Arboretum for any Chapter event or you may be charged an entrance fee. We kindly ask that you follow the Arboretum’s COVID protocol rules – all members/guests must be fully vaccinated, wear a mask at all times while on Arboretum grounds, and wear an Ikebana International ID badge. For those members who did not attend the meeting, your membership card and badge holder will be mailed to you.
Calendar of Events
Print our calendar of events through June 30, 2022. Further details for all events will be provided as they become available. You can also bookmark our Upcoming Events page in your web browser. It will be updated each month as we get more details on future events.
Save the Dates
Please save the date for our New Year Luncheon which will be held on January 9, 2022, and our Katen which will be held on March 19 and 20, 2022. Details of both events will be distributed as soon as available.
October Meeting and Workshop
Zoltan Tokes will conduct our Sunday, October 17, 2021 workshop. He will introduce Sogetsu and the related arrangements which he made in Europe. His emphasis will be on arrangements using plant roots, bare stems, dried branches, rocks, and even tree bark – all of which offer amazing opportunities to create ikebana arrangements. Zoltan will have a large variety of material, including some flowers without green leaves. Students should be prepared to use their imaginations in creating this free style arrangement.
Please register for this workshop by completing this form and returning it to Michiyo Nakamura with your registration fee. As always, you are welcome to bring a friend to any of our workshops at the non-member registration fee.
About NCAR aka Ikebana International North and Central American Region
As a reminder for those of you who are unfamiliar with NCAR (Ikebana International North and Central American Region), it is the largest region of seven regions within Ikebana International, reaching from Canada to the Panama Canal. As the Regional Advocate Committee, they seek to strengthen relationships with the 68 NCAR chapters - through engagement, communication and knowledge sharing - to enhance chapter and school vitality. They provide resources and share proven practices to spread the art of ikebana.
The NCAR Sensei Network was formed through the work of the Regional Advocates and a hard working committee of 30 NCAR Chapter members, representing 5 schools of Ikebana from 19 NCAR chapters. If you wish to be added to the new NCAR Sensei directory, please fill out an Sensei Profile form and NCAR will see that you are on the NCAR Sensei Directory. This list is of all sensei in NCAR chapters conducting both in person lessons. To be added to any of NCAR’s lists, contact Stephanie English at narikebana@gmail.com. Please take a look at NCAR’s website which contains informative materials and information: https://Ikebanancar.org.
Ikebana of the Month

Armando Argandona (Ohara) submitted his arrangement for our enjoyment. If you would like your arrangement photo included in a future Newsletter, send your photos to Julie Wolfe at fullmoon560@outlook.com.
When you have a chance, please visit our Chapter’s enhanced and updated website: https://www.ikebanalosangeles.org. Don't forget to like our page on Facebook and explore our posts as well: https://www.facebook.com/IkebanaInternationalLosAngelesChapter4.
It is very important to all of that everyone stay healthy. We look forward to seeing you next month for our in-person workshop. In the event you need any further information about our Chapter or any of our meeting, please contact me. Let us have friendship through flowers,
Fukuyo Tanaka,
Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter #4