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October 2022 Newsletter

The IILA '22-'23 Yearbook is ready • Get October workshop details • Read a recap on the September demonstrations and see event photos • Plan for November and more…

Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter #4

October 2022 Newsletter

Hello everyone,

The lingering summer heat has me looking forward to autumn. As a fall loving Libra, seeing the 78 degree temperature in Pasadena at our September meeting was a definite relief from 90+ degree days we had been having a few short weeks prior.

In this newsletter you will find this year's Yearbook and details on the October workshop. A recap of the September Ikebana Demonstration Showcase is provided. An update on entering the Pacific Asia Museum is given. Details on our November Workshop are shared as well as a correction to dates on our Upcoming Events.

2022 - 2023 Yearbook

Attached is a copy of the 2022 - 2023 Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter #4 Yearbook. This year is special because included are the letters and commendations celebrating our group's 65th Anniversary. Many thanks goes out to Jann and Emily for helping me put this together. View the online version which does not include membership directory here >>

October Meeting & Workshop

Our next meeting is upon us on Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 11:00am. Attend an Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arrangement) workshop facilitated by Kaz Yokou Kitajima Sensei, Sogetsu Ikebana School, Los Angeles Branch. We will design with (8) eight types of succulents and plant them in pots. It will be a fun workshop that can be displayed on the patio or indoors.


  • Scissors: Bring scissors, gloves, wire and wire cutters

  • Vase/vessel/Container: Provided

  • Kenzan: Not needed

  • Floral Materials: Provided

Registration Fee

  • $25 workshop registration fee for IILA Members

  • +$25 one-event temporary IILA Membership Fee (Total $50 to non-members)

Registration Deadline

  • Wednesday October 12, 2022

September Meeting Recap

The new fiscal year has commenced for Ikebana International Los Angeles. 40 people were able to attend the demonstration on Sunday, September 18, 2022 at the Pacific Asia Museum. Thank you to all of our demonstrators: Chinyun, Valeria, Leonard, Jessica, Toko, Rei, Hetty and Hiromi. They shared floral works of art from their Ikebana Schools: Ikenobo, Sangetsu, Sogetsu and Ohara.

Additional thanks must be extended to our board members and committee members. The lovely photos from the day were taken by Glen and Leonard. The board would like to recognize Hong for joining the Hospitality Committee led by Cynthia. I appreciate everyone’s dedication to fostering “friendship through flowers.” If you would like to join a committee please reach out to any board member.

Seeing the September program allows me to reflect on my public speaking journey. The first time I participated in a demonstration was for this Chapter at this meeting. I was so scared and barely spoke. When I was done, I realized it wasn’t so bad. However I took it on as a challenge to learn and improve with each opportunity. I appreciate the safe space this group allows members like me to gain confidence in front of an audience while sharing their Ikebana. Any member is welcome to participate in our demonstrations. If you are interested, please let me know in your reply.

Entrance to Pacific Asia Museum

Thank you everyone for connecting with Michiyo to get your badge before entering the Pacific Asia Museum in September. Moving forward, we will always have an Ikebana International Los Angeles check-in area on North Los Robles Avenue from 11am - 11:30am. All workshop participants MUST report here before entering the museum. If you arrive early, please wait in your car until 11am. Only authorized persons are permitted to enter the space early for safety reasons. Your name must be on file with the security team.


Additional Reading


November 2022 - Saga Goryu School Workshop

Source: NYPL

Save the Date: On Sunday, November 20th, at 11:00 am, at the USC Pacific Asia Museum, located in Pasadena, CA. At this meeting, the workshop is led by Saga Goryu School, Los Angeles: Alfredo Valenzuela. In this workshop, Alfredo will showcase the Saga Goryu school style of simple arrangements using Emperor Saga’s favorite flower, the chrysanthemum.


If you have any feedback, grammatical edits, or comments regarding any of our publications please let me know.

The printed schedule that was distributed at our September Meeting was not our finalized version. Please visit our “Upcoming Events Page” here to get the latest version >>

New Membership Card

New Ikebana International Membership ID cards have been sent to those who could not attend the meeting on September 20, 2022. Please let me know if you haven't received it. I have extra cardholders if you need them. Tell me at the next in-person meeting you attend.


There’s a Japanese proverb, a “Departing bird leaves no trace.” This means that when you leave a place, you clean up after yourself properly, and depart gracefully. I wanted to share this to thank the many who assisted with cleaning up after our September meeting. Together, we were able to quickly clear the room. By tidying up properly Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter #4 can express its gratitude among ourselves and with the USC Pacific Asia Museum team for sharing their space with us. I ask for your continued cooperation into the future with this. Until then, have a great month and see you in a few weeks.


Fukuyo Tanaka

Chapter President



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Los Angeles
Chapter #4

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