In the May 2022 Newsletter see Sangetsu workshop pics • RSVP for 6/19 Ohara workshop & Kawamura Sensei’s Memorial • Remember to Renew Your Membership • You’re Invited to IILA Member, Kaz Kitajima’s Ceramic + Plant Sale • Thank You
Hello friends,
There were a few days this May that reached the high 80’s and 90’s and I could feel summer fast approaching. Let’s enjoy the fluctuating temperatures at the end of Spring for another few weeks if possible and take pleasure in what’s growing right now. My garden is blooming with foxgloves, hollyhocks, blackberries and strawberries. What about yours?
In this month’s May Newsletter, be delighted by the following:
May Sangetsu workshop recap
Details on our June Workshop + Kawamura Sensei’s Memorial
Membership renewal reminder
I’m looking forward to seeing you at the June workshop and can’t wait to see what you bring for the potluck celebration after the meeting. I find the workshops presented by Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter expand my ikebana practice because I get to discover new techniques and understand the uniqueness of schools different from my own, Ikenobo. It’s also a great opportunity for those new to ikebana who are still discovering which ikebana school they are looking to study to get a taste from multiple schools over a few months. Our members create a lively joyous atmosphere that is open to all and celebrates “friendship through flowers”.
For those who have not attended a workshop in a few months, we hope you can join us at our next workshop because it will be the last for this membership year and it’ll be great to see you. Until then please mind your health.
Fukuyo Tanaka
Chapter President
May Sangetsu Workshop
On Sunday, May 15, 2022, there was an exciting workshop led by Valeria Brinkers from Sangetsu School, called Translucent. She stressed that the vase is very important to Sangetsu, in addition to keeping plant material in its natural shape. This month’s main focus was to transform the clear glass vases we were asked to bring using household products (stir sticks, colorful cellophane, stir sticks ) and craft supplies (glue sticks, gold leaf, wood blocks) into beautiful works of art. After being shown examples we were left to our own creativity to experiment and explore. See the impressive works of art created by our members who participated in this lively and happy day >>
Huge thanks goes out to Valeria and Leonard Brinkers for coming early to set up the room for the day. We are also very appreciative of all participants for staying until the end to help with clean-up, taking a group photo, and returning the room to the Arboretum in a better condition than when we first arrived.
Please note, this workshop was inspired by one created by Sangetsu Grandmaster, Master Erisson Thompson who shared this via zoom when we were all staying at home to ease virus spread. The idea was to create beautiful Sangetsu ikebana using materials one has at home and with flowers from one’s garden. Go ahead and give it a try.
June Ohara Workshop + Memorial Tree Dedication
Our next meeting falls on Father's Day, Sunday, June, 19, 2022. Planned is a flower arrangement workshop by Dr. Jose Salcedo showcasing the Ohara ikebana in honor of Jose’s Ohara teacher, Reiko Kawamura. We look forward to your participation because this will be the final meeting before our summer break in July & August. Get details here >>
In the workshop, attendees will create a moribana arrangement using three materials. These arrangements are classified as Color Scheme moribana arrangements, using the Color Method. Color Scheme moribana arrangements express the beauty of the harmony and contrast of materials. The Color Method aims to express the beauty of color through the color, shape and textures of the selected materials. Sign up here >>
Following the workshop, this chapter will hold a Memorial Tree Dedication event for Reiko Kawamura at noon. You do not need to participate in the workshop to attend the Tree Dedication. There will be a potluck lunch reception after the ceremony, so please bring something to share with participants. The board will provide sandwiches, fruit plates, drinks, plates, cups and cutlery. Learn more >>
Renewal Reminder
Let’s grow the Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter together next year. Remember to send your membership renewal form and check to our Treasurer Michiyo by Thursday, June 30, 2022. For each member, we annually send the equivalent of ¥6000 dues to II Headquarters in Tokyo and keep the balance to operate IILA programs. Visit our membership page for membership level details >>
Print this form below and mail it to us, along with your payment.
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You can also reply to this email with the following:
IILA Renewal Member (Membership period: July 1 through June 30 annua
Regular Member, postmarked by June 30: $85
Regular Member, postmarked after June 30: $95
Associate Member: $25
Introductory Member: $25
City, State, Zip: ______________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
School: _____________________________________
Chapter/Branch: ______________________________
Membership #: ______________________________
Are you an Ikebana Teacher? YES NO
Teacher Level: _______________________________
Yes, my contact information is different from last year.
Send Application & Payment
Complete the application and then send it to us:
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Or mail it to the IILA Treasurer
Make check out to : “Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter#4”
Mail to:
Michiyo Nakamura, IILA Treasurer 1034 S. Garfield Ave., Mont
erey Park, CA 91754
Send membership questions and feedback to:
You are Invited to a Special Event by a Fellow IILA Member!
A-ri-ga-to, Thank You!
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