2023 01 • New Year's Luncheon Photos
Annual Luncheion
I am pleased to announce that Ikebana International Los Angeles Chapter#4 was able to hold the 65th Anniversary Celebration and New Year's Luncheon on January 8, 2023. Please take a moment to remember all loved ones and friends who have passed. We are all very lucky to have been able to gather together, and let's be grateful we have each other and our health.
Our master of ceremony for the day was Leonard Brinkers. I thank him for keeping the program moving forward. A lovely toast was given by President Emeritus Pearl Ahn, “Kampai!”
Attendees were fortunate to be greeted by Mr. Kenko Sone, the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles at this year's event. He gave a lovely congratulatory address.
See photos of those who attended below and read the full Luncheon recap here http://bit.ly/3YgtqLL >>